The R. Josh Quarles Daily is o…
The R. Josh Quarles Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @amyhale
The R. Josh Quarles Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @amyhale
Awesome! RT @britishcheesech: Loads of Godminster Bio Cheddar and Cropwell Bishop Stilton are on the way to Glausi’s cheese shop in Basel
Way to go Delta! RT @popurls: Welcome home soldier…now bend over # @laraschopp I'm on it. 🙂 # Steve Jobs says he want's to stay in Cupertino, but really it's the first step to enslaving the solar system. # Bitcoin is not decentralized # Could use this 4 more than one client. […]
The Swiss are right to go their own way. “what a… invasive crock of merde it is to be a law-abiding citizen of the EU”
Milka Alpenmilch Action! (@ Grands Magasins Manor)
I think not. RT @jeffisageek: Move Over Planking, Cone-Ing is the New Trend [Video] via @geekosystem
@Iggy We’re thinking about going back to the States. The W.H.O. can’t seem to pay their bills.
Does anybody need an apartment in Geneva?
Military spending chart from NPR At 0.8% of GDP Switzerland isn’t in the top 17.
At that time Apple stock was the same price, more or less, as about $66/share. Turns out, speculation is a bitch.