just posted a pic: http://bit….
just posted a pic: http://bit.ly/lTj4MA
just posted a pic: http://bit.ly/lTj4MA
Bye bye (@ La grotte de cheauves-souris) http://bit.ly/lGbbeF
just posted a pic: (@ Pointe de la Jonction) http://bit.ly/jePluD
My favorite place. (@ Pointe de la Jonction) http://bit.ly/kvRPbz
I just unlocked the “Ten Hundred” badge on @foursquare! http://bit.ly/iw9wlA
My silent protest. (@ La grotte de cheauves-souris) http://bit.ly/mMu8Sn
Gloire du Rhone (@ La grotte de cheauves-souris) http://bit.ly/mzGyLu
I just ousted @j0ris as the mayor of Pointe de la Jonction on @foursquare! http://bit.ly/mNON8y
I just ousted Carlos I. as the mayor of Urbanbio on @foursquare! http://bit.ly/koq9Ct
I just became the mayor of Poste De La Jonction on @foursquare! http://bit.ly/mrlyyA