Twitter Updates for 2011-06-10

  • In '99 I dumped a bunch of money into stock because I believed that the phone was the future of the internet. #
  • At that time Apple stock was the same price, more or less, as about $66/share. Turns out, speculation is a bitch. #
  • Military spending chart from NPR At 0.8% of GDP Switzerland isn't in the top 17. #
  • Does anybody need an apartment in Geneva? #
  • @Iggy We're thinking about going back to the States. The W.H.O. can't seem to pay their bills. #
  • I think not. RT @jeffisageek: Move Over Planking, Cone-Ing is the New Trend [Video] via @geekosystem #
  • Milka Alpenmilch Action! (@ Grands Magasins Manor) #
  • The Swiss are right to go their own way. "what a… invasive crock of merde it is to be a law-abiding citizen of the EU" #
  • Awesome! RT @britishcheesech: Loads of Godminster Bio Cheddar and Cropwell Bishop Stilton are on the way to Glausi's cheese shop in Basel #
  • The R. Josh Quarles Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @amyhale #
  • I'd like it if you could write a letter to the incoming mayor of a venue on Foursquare. Like the president of the US, when they get ousted. #
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