I currently have 5 extra invit…
I currently have 5 extra invites to the new Digg! http://new.digg.com/login/b3fa620b043024fa202e4af931ad1ea4f
I currently have 5 extra invites to the new Digg! http://new.digg.com/login/b3fa620b043024fa202e4af931ad1ea4f
Ok, so there's no way to uninstall the OFFICIAL Twitter client from an Android phone? I like how it says that I need an update for trying. # @laraschopp I'm not sure that I'm following. I think that there's a story I'd like to hear. Rock on? in reply to laraschopp # I mean really […]
@AndroidAppShow It’s not that, I downloaded Twitter. I just can’t get it off my phone now. My Nexus One is all infected!
@mattnathanson Yes! As far as you know. 🙂
Trying, but can you back this up? RT @AlpTkz: try Accuweather. Very accurate to me. So cool to say it’ll rain in 28min and be right!
@queenofquirky Yes of course!! Whatever you want! Cheese, chocolate, watches… I’m desperate here!!! How does a GLD backed # account sound?
@laraschopp Neither are they. Just saying Europe is a whole other animal.
Ok, so you can’t really do vegan in Europe. But thanks any way!
You know, I joke with @queenofquirky and @laraschopp about the BBQ thing. BUT REALLY SEND US BBQ! Vegan is getting old!
@laraschopp My point exactly! What mum wouldn’t want that?