Twitter Updates for 2010-12-20
- Awesome check in! RT @jeffisageek: I'm at World's Largest Ball Of Twine (800-902 Wisconsin St, Cawker City). #
- @AlpTkz I know it well, and like it. I'm just upset by the elite of my global tribe beating their couches into cribs all of a sudden. #
- @AlpTkz I lived through the first wave at the the end of my 20's. Now it's back. All prams and excuses. Not that I don't live you all. +1 #
- @AlpTkz I know. I'm bracing for it. I guess there's something to it. It has been harder to convince my wife that this is how we roll. #
- @tinyKCdancer I'll trade you for some veggi fried rice? #
- @tinyKCdancer "lived" such a strong term. How can I live without pepperoni… and cheesy bites? #