Twitter Updates for 2008-09-08

  • I just updated the scripts running the my lifestream feeds. The caching should work a little better this time. #
  • @podcast411 Goodnight Rob. #
  • Just read through CP’s post about the TouchSmart giveaway. For the record, I know that meme is spelled meme not meem. I said it right! #
  • I’m not sure why Chris spelled it wrong or changed my other clever lines. I’m also sure about how to spell my wife’s name. TICIA. QA = sucky #
  • I hate it when a router in the trace route gives up with no explanation. Hello, I need to ftp a file before the humans that fix you get up. #
  • Off to get new brakes for my car. When they stopped working I decided that they were more relevant to my budget than previously thought. #
  • Adobe just killed FlashPaper. Now I have to break it to my clients that just jumped into FP with both feet. Now I’ll never escape IE6 hell. #
  • @pokerplasm I was afraid of that, but there was a tiny spark of hope deep in my soul that I would outlive IE6. Alas, more death to hope. #
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