Twitter Updates for 2008-04-07

  • Just got a call from a couple of friends camping out in a line to enter a BBQ contest in the AM. Want me to come drink all night. Me: Uh, NO #
  • Trying out Twubble, it’s crazy the way it works and spiders my follows looking for omitted crossovers. Very Cool. #
  • My Twitter bubble is now expanding… I’m still not going to follow Scoble though. I like a world where he’s not infecting all my thoughts. #
  • @crazybob They will find out soon enough. I did & Tweeted. Needs some random element though to fight the insular nature of the conversation. #
  • Does anybody else find it interesting that the good @SethGodin wears his 0 following like a big purple badge? What was that about marketers? #
  • The power of Twitter is in the listening. It’s going to be really important to businesses. If it scales in Vol. #
  • @arielwaldman Town Topic is across the street, I’ll make a run for you. Truckstop or burger? But I left SFO on Tuesday. FTL #
  • Hmm, following 99. If I add one more will I dive into the rabbit hole and become an addict? Yeah right! Twubble is trouble for me, it seems. #
  • Hmm, I broke my limitations and moved into the triple digits. My mind seems fine and fingers still work. Perhaps I’ll sleep on 101 till morn #
  • Good night Twitter. Short but sweet, that’s me. Not that I’m obsessed with 140, just that I like to keep as close as possible to the limits. #
  • Crap… content with both 101 and 102. #
  • 102 was the post not the follows. FTW! #
  • OK, sleeping now not tweeting 102 FTW! #
  • Addicted! FTL! Nighty Night. #
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